Sunday, December 26, 2004

i'm not a big fan of holidays anymore. they're nothing like they used to be. nothing's like it used to be. i must say, i'd really love some kind of normalcy right about now. this holiday season has been a little painful. things with my extended family are still not very good. on christmas eve we usually all get together at my grandfather's house, but this year we didn't because my aunts and uncles can't seem to grow up and get along. so instead my parents and i along with my aunt annie, uncle kollie, uncle carl, aunt jane, and my cousins mary and carl drove to my other family members' homes to drop off their gifts. at the end of this little escapade we ate lunch... in a deli. it reminded me of the chinese restaurant scene from "A Christmas Story". this may not sound too unusual to you, but it was very different for us. i began to wonder if things would ever be the same. christmas used to be so magical for me when i was younger, but now it's lost much of its luster. i wasn't able to see my father's family this year either. we usually have them down the weekend before christmas, but it would have been too hard for my mother this year with all that's going on in her family. i've barely seen any of my friends because they're all busy, and now we might not even be getting together for new year's. this is the last year we'll all be single. cj and greg will be married by this time next year... and shell and brandon 6 months later. i feel like life is moving much too quickly for me to keep up. part of me wants things to stay the same, the other part is desperate for change. i'm not sure i could be more frustrated...

Monday, December 20, 2004

well... i'm home for christmas. when i got home on saturday i was so happy to be in my own house... it's all warm, cozy and decorated for christmas. my happiness was interrupted by some sad news though. cj called to tell me that our friend, dave, passed away in his sleep on friday night. tomorrow we're going to his funeral. i have a mixture of emotions about all of this. dave suffered from cancer for a long time, so i'm happy that he's finally at peace. at the same time i'm going to miss him, and i'm sure his family will as well. words can't really express the kind of person dave was. he was kind, and generous, and funny. he was always concerned about everyone else despite his illness. people went to visit him in an effort to make him feel better, but i think we all ended up feeling better ourselves. he was a special person and will truly be missed...

"May angels lead you in..."

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Friday, December 10, 2004

it's funny how i can "forget" how much friends mean to me after not seeing them for months/years... looking forward to christmas break... much love...

Monday, November 29, 2004

so let me tell ya about my thanksgiving break... i'm beginning to really hate this holiday. the past two years have been... rough... to say the least. no need to go into any detail about last year. i think everyone knows what happened there. this year it was extended family craziness. i knew it was tense, but wow.... i was NOT ready for what happened on thursday night. it really makes me sad... and i hope that it can be healed, but it's going to take a lot of time. hopefully they can let go of their anger and bitterness, and restore their relationships.

on a much better note... after all the insanity at my grandfather's house, i went to see some really great friends from high school. as i sat on the couch between the two of them i was kind of surprised at how comfortable i still was with both of them. nothing has really changed... and i really needed that on thursday night. one comment nathan made was quite funny, and pretty much summed up my relationship with erik. he said, "nothing has changed between you two at all. he's still driving you crazy and you're still telling him to get away from you." haha... so true. it was absolutely wonderful to spend time with those guys and talk about all the time we spent together in high school. nathan moved to arizona after my junior year of high school. we weren't exactly on the best of terms before he left, so it was so nice to see him and put all that stuff behind us. he just moved back to pennsylvania, so i'm hoping we'll get to spend more time together. i'm so thankful for friends who may change and grow, but will always be the same in the ways that really matter. so guys... i love ya... thanks for a great time on thursday night... and for just being you...

on friday mark came up from his grandparent's in state college. we made our annual trip to wal mart. haha... i don't think there's been a weekend that he's been up that we haven't gone to wal mart together. i finally got a dvd player for the apartment, cuz our vcr doesn't work anymore. i also got a portable cd player cuz i thought mine was broken. i found out last night, however, that it wasn't the cd player. it was the batteries. yes, ladies and gentlemen, i'm a moron. after the trip to wal mart we went to gallery of sound to get the new greenday cd (which, by the way... i LOVE!!!). i love that store. it's so much cheaper than the rest of them. instead of spending almost $19 for a cd i spent $12, and this makes me happy. after that shell and brandon came down to hang out with us. we watched tv, and i fell asleep. haha... sorry guys. it was good to see you while i was awake.

on saturday i had thanksgiving dinner wtih my parents, mark, and vanessa. it was soooo good. my mother is a wonderful cook. it's too bad i didn't inherit that gene. eh well... i can microwave things. later that night we went to see "A Christmas Story" at the BTE. it was cute. i think my father and i have seen the movie too many times to really appreciate it on stage. it was good though, and as always, a lot of fun. we went home after that and had pumpkin pie and went to bed. we were all rather exhausted from the happenenings earlier in the week.

then comes sunday... we all went to my church. i love my church at home. they're all so welcoming and loving. *sigh* i always feel good when i'm there. i think that's a great characteristic to have as a church. they're such wonderful people. after that, it was home for dinner and "christmas" with vanessa. she always gets the nicest presents for me. i'm so thankful for her... haha... and not just because she gets me nice gifts. then it was time to head back to good old lancaster. i'm so glad there's only 3 weeks left in the semester. i'm looking forward to being home for the holidays. hopefully christmas will be less eventful than thanksgiving...

on that note... i'm late for class... so i'm off... love to all...

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

so i'm home... and it's weird. it really hit me tonight how much things have changed around here... and how much it's going to continue to change. it's a lot easier to handle when i'm in lancaster. (haha... none of my friends down there are talking about planning weddings and buying houses and having children.) i'm happy for my friends who are getting married though... i really am. it's just weird right now... cuz i'm not in that place in my life. eh... i think i should just stop thinking and go to bed... g'night all... much love...

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

it seriously needs to be december 18th right now!!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2004

life is crazy... but i guess it wouldn't be life if it wasn't...

Saturday, October 30, 2004

after thinking about it... maybe i do agree with him... i initially said that i didn't because i think everyone should vote... but i voted for jimmy carter (absentee ballot... i get to vote early), so i guess that's almost the same thing as not voting...
this was written by one of mark's friends, justin epperly... i'm not sure that i completely agree with all of it... but he does make some very intersting points... think about it...

The lesser of three evils: defending voter abstinence

Monday, October 25, 2004

i am quite certain that i have never been as tired of school as i am at this moment. i have SO much to do this week, and so little motivation. i seriously need a vacation! anyone feel like taking a trip to... oh, i don't know... how does aruba sound? mmmm... aruba...

on a more positive note... on saturday we'll all be taking our 'annual' trip to hershey for Halloween at Hershey. i wonder how many people we will fit in one car this year? haha... for those who don't know... last year we fit 8 people into adam's buick so we didn't have to pay to park two cars in the parking lot. oh, and one must not forget the light show, at which bryan broke out his "robot". *sigh* good times...

on another positive note...tonight katie told me that my favorite irishman might be coming to the states for a visit next year! what fun! wahoo for nialler!

and now my ability to create sentences is slowly diminishing, so i'm off to bed. g'night all...

Sunday, October 17, 2004

happy birthday, katie patatie!!!!

Monday, October 04, 2004


Thursday, September 30, 2004

this is one of the funniest stories i've read in a long time. thank goodness for cheerleaders and knee high boots! you can all thank mark for this bit of hilarity.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

um... i just read my post from august 19th. uh, yeah... naptime? what the beep is naptime!?!

Monday, September 27, 2004

i am so tired, and this week begins a stressful part of the semester... you know, the time where you have tests in every one of your classes at the same stinking time! oh, let me tell ya... it's my favorite thing in the world! december cannot come soon enough! scratch that... MAY cannot come soon enough!!!!

on a positive note... i had a great weekend. mark and i went home for the bloomsburg fair. i know it sounds cheezy, but it's a rockin'-good time! growing up in bloomsburg (or close to it) i've been to the fair about a million and half times, but i love it every time. it always brings back fond memories of fair weeks gone by. *sigh*... good times...
i took mark into some of the buildings that consist of prize-winning fruits and vegetables, some talented and not-so-talented artwork, and various "infomercial" type products. then we met up with sarah and some of her friends from school and proceded to check out all the fun animals. the first animals we saw were llamas, which was quite funny, because sarah's friend thought there were llamas there, and she and i insisted that there weren't. while we were in that barn a couple lambs got loose, which was quite amusing. from there we went to see the belgian workhorses and a couple oxen, which were all huge. i've never seen horses that tall before, and i never quite realized just how big oxen are. it was an enlightening experience. and last, but definitely not least, i got my cinnamon bun! mmmmmm!!!!! it was a great time. i really miss hanging out with my sar... she needs to come down to visit me... *hint, hint*

on that note, i really need to get to bed... g'night kids... much love...

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

i'm a little frustrated tonight. it seems that i will never escape some aspects of my high school experience. maybe it's just me. maybe i just assume that things are going to happen this way because they always have for me. maybe i'm making it worse than it really is. the thing is, i thought it was going to be different this time. i didn't think there was going to be any tension, but there is definite tension. why can't we all just be mature adults? i don't understand. i wish i could go for a drive... i need a drive. but i don't have time.
(sorry this is a little vague... it kinda has to be...)

i'm also a bit stressed out at the moment. i just have so much going on. taking six classes is not exactly a walk in the park. on top of that i have youth stuff... which i absolutely love... i had the greatest time tonight... i love my girls... you totally rock! and then there's mark... what can i say... he takes a lot of time. hehe just kidding... i acutally wish i had more time to spend with him... there just aren't enough hours in the day!

all right... i think i'm finished complaining now... it's time for bed... g'night...

Thursday, September 02, 2004

yay!!! we finally have the internet! we had a grand old time figuring out how to get it to work last night. thankfully, mark was here and he was able to figure it out. hooray for cute boyfriends who know how to do things! haha

so the first week of classes hasn't been too awful. i wish i could say the same for parking! on tuesday i left half an hour before my class and was still late because i couldn't find a parking place. let me tell you... i was thrilled! i don't know why they never built a parking garage. it's insanity. maybe it will get better as time goes on... maybe more people will start car-pooling.

this weekend is labor day weekend, which means that i'm going home. i'm really looking forward to that. i miss the ma and daddy... and the stinky dog. markus carkus is coming with me, which makes me even more happy. it'll be nice to have someone in the car for the 2 hour ride. plus, i just really like being with him. we'll probably go up to falls for the anual frank family excuse to drink excessive amounts of alcohol... i mean... labor day party... haha... ya gotta love my crazy family.

well, that's it for now... love to all...

Thursday, August 19, 2004

1 more day in bloomsburg!!! i kinda have mixed emotions. i'm really gonna miss my family (including mag), and all my buds, but i'm so excited to be closer to mark and all my friends in lancaster. i'm also really excited about not working anymore... i'll be able to take naps again!!! i heart naptime! :)
ok... back to packing... love to all...
1 more day in bloomsburg!!! i kinda have mixed emotions. i'm really gonna miss my family (including mag), and all my buds, but i'm so excited to be closer to mark and all my friends in lancaster. i'm also really excited about not working anymore... i'll be able to take naps again!!! i heart naptime! :)
ok... back to packing... love to all...

Sunday, August 01, 2004

wow... it's been a while...

nothing new has really happened. i work during the week... and see mark most weekends. i love weekends, but they go so quickly. i feel like i blink and they're over. i'm really looking forward to moving down there in 3 weeks. it'll be so nice to get to spend more time with mark. *sigh*

this weekend mark came up here... on saturday morning we went up to wilkes barre to paint the desk i found in my grandfather's basement for the apartment. it belonged to my mother and her sisters when they were in high school, which was quite obvious since it was painted bright yellow and orange. (who paints a desk bright yellow and bright oranger?!? no seriously, who did it? i want to know so you can be severly punished). i knew it was gonna take a little work to get it looking presentable again, but it's free, so i was willing to do it. to put it lightly, it was more difficult than i thought. first of all, it was in the corner of the basement, surrounded by other forgotten pieces of furniture which required a bit of imagination in getting it out. then i had to clean off all the gunk from years gone by. *cringe* we then proceeded to scrape and sand it. at this point mark mentioned that there's a good possibility that the paint contained lead, and suggested that we should proably be wearing masks. well, we didn't have any... so we just kept on working. we'll probably both die of lead poisoning in a few months, but hey... we saved money. so finally all the cleaning, scraping, and sanding was finished, and we moved on to painting. this presented a whole new problem. the white paint failed to cover the orange paint, but we still had another coat to do, so we just went upstairs to watch tv for a while while the first coat dried. unfortunately we were on a bit of a schedule because we had to be home in time to volunteer at the theatre here in bloomsburg, so we only let the first coat dry for about 15 minutes. needless to say, the second coat didn't do a very good job of covering the orange paint either. it now looks like someone merely put a coat of primer on it. *sigh* i love many things about the 70's but the favored colors of the decade are things that i could've done without. we did learn a few things from this experince, though. one... projects always take longer than one plans. two... mark hates painting things other than walls. finally... i have the most wonderful boyfriend in the world. i love you honey, despite your hatred of painting. ;)
anyway... later that night mark and i volunteered at the BTE (Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble) with my parents for C. S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. it was a great show, and we had a wonderful time. afterwards, we all came home and ate a candelight dessert on the front porch. all-in-all it was a spectacular day. i'm looking forward to many more like it... :)

Thursday, July 08, 2004

today was a better day. work went much better... somehow i fixed whatever i screwed up yesterday, and i got to read a lot of my book. *sigh* i LOVE reading. to top it all off... mark is coming up tomorrow night. i am really looking forward to seeing him. i just love that boy to bits and pieces!

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

one word... frustrated.

i am really looking forward to the end of the summer...

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

some people from church and i went to see dave tonight. (for those who don't know... dave has cancer, and isn't doing very well) he seemed to be having a good day. he was telling us all kinds of stories... he's SUCH a nice guy. i wish he didn't have to suffer like this. it doesn't seem fair, but i know God has a purpose for this situation. He has used dave to be an example and encouragement to a ton of people. i'm so glad that i have the privilege of knowing him. please keep him in your prayers.

Monday, June 28, 2004

another wonderful weekend with mark... it's always so hard to go back to work after a weekend with him. i definitely had a "case of the mondays" today. thankfully, i will be spending this coming weekend with him as well... and only 8 more weeks til i'm back in lancaster for good!!!

ok... i'm incapable of thinking of anything else to say right now... my brain is fried. g'night

Thursday, June 24, 2004

guess what!?! i got my hair cut!!! i feel so much lighter! i love it!!!

Monday, June 21, 2004

so... today i'm off from work. what did i do all day? not a darn thing! it was very nice to have the day off, but i am poor, and in need of money... which i am not making by laying around all day. i'm only scheduled to work 8 hours this week... 4 tomorrow... 4 saturday. i wonder what i'll do with my time off... i have a few ideas... we'll see what happens.

my favorite boy in the world is coming to visit me this weekend! i can't wait to see him! i absolutely love being with him. every moment we spend together is better than the last. (whoa... where did the sappiness come from?!?) unfortunately, i have to work for 4 hours on saturday, as does my father. so mark will either have to hang out here with ma, or maybe go put up signs with brandon. i'm kinda hoping he'll get to put signs up with brandon... it'll give them a chance to bond. haha

9 weeks til i'm back in lancaster for good! i can't wait!!! love to all...

Sunday, June 20, 2004

the song of the week...

“Even when we turned our backs on You
In wickedness and lies supressed your truth
Even when You showed Your love for us
Giving up Your life upon the cross

Jesus, thank You for the cross
For the blood that sets us free
The crimson stain of all our sin
Washed away in Your mercy

Enemies of God with no excuse
Knowing what was right we turned from You
Given up to sin, condemned to die
Even then You chose to give us life

Jesus, thank You for the cross
For the blood that sets us free
The crimson stain of all our sin
Washed away in Your mercy

Every one of us deserves to die
But You save all who hope in Your great love

This is love…”

Thursday, June 17, 2004

i had a bad day...

Saturday, June 12, 2004

WE HAVE AN APARTMENT!!!! YAY!!!! and... in 8 weeks i will be moving in! i cannot freaking wait! WAHOO!!!

on another very good note... i got to see mark today. it is always soooo good to see him. i can't wait to move down there and be able to see him every day. *sigh* he never fails to make me feel good. i love being with him... even if it's only for a few hours.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

i had a great weekend...

on friday night i went to see my mia in reading (sinking spring really). it was soooo good to see her! i muv her to pieces!!! we watched the blue collar comedy tour movie. it was hysterical. *sigh* good times... good times.

on saturday afternoon i headed over to lancaster to see mark. we had a great time. i love being with him. he's so good to me... i couldn't ask for anything more. in church today, rich was talking to me about how great mark is. he went on and on about it, and i couldn't agree more. he is an amazing man, and i am so blessed to have him in my life.
he took me to el serano's for dinner last night. oh man, that food was sooo good... not to mention HUGE! afterwards we rented a movie and went back to his house to watch it. (we ate some birthday cake with his parents before... they are so sweet... i adore them!) today we went to church, then to lunch at applebee's. every moment i spent with him was wonderful. i wish i could be with him all the time, but alas, i can't right now. someday, though... someday...

today shell and brandon came over for a little birthday dinner. ma made GREAT food, and we had loads of fun... especially when the cake she made fell apart! hehe

so all-in-all... i had a great birthday weekend... thank you everyone who made it special... i love you all!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2004

hi everybody! i'm home! did you miss me???

this week was so relaxing. i had such a great time with shell, brandon, and maria! (thanks for coming, guys!) it is good to be back in good old bloomsburg, though.

i know most of you won't believe this, but i actually got a tan!!! we spent a lot of time on the beach, which was great. i got to read a lot... and as mentioned before... i got a tan!!! other than laying on the beach, we did a little shopping, went out for dinner, and drove up the beach in an attempt to find the wild horses. that was probably the hightlight of the week for me. brandon had never done that before, so he was a little nervous about getting stuck, but he did a great job. there were a few times we thought we'd get stuck, but made it out. it was actually pretty hilarious. the landscape was gorgeous there at sunset, and i got some really beautiful pictures. unfortunately we didn't get to see any horses. we found out later that we'd have to drive 8 miles up the coast to see them, and we only went 2... maybe next year we'll try again.

i start working at the bank tomorrow morning. it will be the first time in a looong time (other than my interviews) that i've gotten up that early. this is going to take some getting used to. cj is going to be at main tomorrow, so hopefully we'll get to go to lunch together. it will be nice to spend some time with her.

mark is coming up to visit this weekend, and i am thrilled! i am really looking forward to spending time with him. i'm taking him to my cousin's graduation party on saturday night, and probably to the memorial day picnic at falls on sunday, so he gets to meet my family (pray for him! hehe). hopefully we'll get to spend some time with my buds as well. they're all looking forward to seeing him again... as are my parents. i'm really hoping this week goes quickly... i'm getting impatient!

Friday, May 14, 2004

well kids, in a few hours i'm going to be on my way to the outer banks in north carolina. i am so excited to get to the beach! wahoo! i will miss all of you though, and think of you often as i'm laying on the warm, sandy beach. i hope you all have a wonderful week! i will talk to you all when i get back (except for mark, whom i will be calling in a few days... miss you, honey)

love to all...

Thursday, May 13, 2004

my new favorite song... which, by the way, is wonderful when Mark sings it to me...

Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand
And I come here to talk
I hope you understand

That green eyes
Yeah the spotlight, shines upon you
And how could anybody deny you

I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter
Now I met you
And honey you should know
That I could never go on without you
Green eyes

Honey you are the sea
Upon which I float
And I came here to talk
I think you should know

That green eyes
You're the one that I wanted to find
And anyone who tried to deny you
Must be out of their mind

Because I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter
Since I met you
And honey you should know
That I could never go on without you

Green eyes
Green eyes
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh ooh

Honey you are the rock
Upon which I stand

-Coldplay "Green Eyes"

Monday, May 10, 2004

"UNLESS someone like you
cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better.
It's not."
-Dr. Seuss "The Lorax"

lately i've been thinking about the upcoming presidential election... this is the first time i will get to vote... and i don't want to screw it up! hehe as most of you know, i am a democrat, but i have serious problems with the whole abortion issue. God is the giver of life... therefore He should be the only one who decides when to take it away. it's hard for me to vote for someone who is pro- choice, but Mark brought up a good point... is it really a political issue anymore? is it really going to change anything if someone makes a law prohibiting it? i seriously doubt it... and honestly think it will only cause more problems. today i was reading the "Seuss-isms" book that katie got me last year. (i LOVE Dr. Seuss!!!) when i read the quote up there, i began thinking about all of this again, and i decided that i really need to volunteer at the crisis pregnancy center in Bloomsburg this summer. i had kinda been planning on doing that anyway, but now i've realized that i need to stop talking about loving people and having an impact on their lives and start doing it. so here i go...

Sunday, May 09, 2004

i had such a great weekend! mark came up to visit yesterday. we spent most of the day with my friends and family, which was wonderful. they really really like him, and i'm pretty sure he really likes them too. after mark left last night, my father came into the house with a big smile on his face and said "i like this one" and winked... for those who don't know my father... that is a big deal. i can't express how great that moment was for me... my daddy likes him... *sigh* one of the things that i like the most about this is that it makes sense in my head... not just my heart. it is so different from anything i've ever experienced before... i didn't know that anyone could treat me as well as he does. what a blessing! (thank you, sweetheart)

this morning greg's band did worship for our church... they played my favorite song...

Lord of all creation
Of the water, earth and sky
The Heavens are your Tabernacle
Glory To the Lord on high

God of wonders
Beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe
Declares your majesty
You are holy, holy

Early in the morning
I will celebrate the light
And when I stumble into darkness
I will call your name by night

God of wonders
Beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe
Declares your majesty
You are holy, holy

Hallelujah (to the lord of heaven and earth)
Hallelujah (to the lord of heaven and earth)
Hallelujah (to the lord of heaven and earth)

Holy, holy
Holy, holy

God of wonders
Beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy

Precious Lord,
Reveal your heart to me
Father hold me, hold me

The Universe
Declares your majesty
You are Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy

Hallelujah to the lord of heaven and earth

what a great song...

Friday, May 07, 2004

*sigh*... what an awesome night... i am so blessed... i don't deserve this... but i thank God for it... i can't wait to see what the future holds...

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

yay! i got the job! but i must tell you the dumb story...
when i filled out the application, i put my school phone number on it cuz i was going to be there for 3 more weeks. so this morning i wake up and think, "oh my soul! i didn't give them my home phone number!!!" so i immediately get out of bed and call. good thing i did! kim called school yesterday to offer me the job! i felt so dumb. *rolls eyes* i can be such a blonde sometimes!

Monday, May 03, 2004

it's been a while... i know... i'm sorry... i'm sure you're all just dying to hear what i have to say...

it has been a crazy couple of weeks... also an exciting couple of weeks... i can't wait to see what the future holds...

so finals are over... WAHOO!!! i can't believe i've finished two years of college already! what a good feeling! it is so good to be home! i miss my katie patatie though... i'm so used to telling her all the silly things that happen to me... and now when i walk into my room... she isn't here... and when i go to bed at night i don't wonder what crazy thing she's going to say in her sleep. hehe so i guess i'll have to go visit good old sinking spring soon! then i can go see my lil' cuban too!

well... i've been putting off unpacking long enough... so i'm gonna go get on that. i hope everyone is well... millersville buds... i miss you guys bunches!!! can't wait to see ya! much love...

Friday, April 23, 2004

why is it that only former football players get special recognition for dying for their country?!? this makes me so angry. millions of soldiers die every day. why don't they get recognized? well, as the newspapers put it, because they didn't "walk away from a million dollar career". it makes me sick that this man's money is of more importance than the families that he, and other soldiers left behind. how did we get like this???

Thursday, April 22, 2004

i have this habit of worrying about the future... my career, family, yada yada. i always want to know exactly what is going to happen and when. i often allow myself to become pretty stressed by all this worrying, but today i am reminded that God is in control and His will and timing are perfect. i read this passge from isaiah today...

"Why do you say, O Jacob, and complain, O Israel, 'My way is hidden from the Lord; my cause is disregarded by my God'? Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint"
-Isaiah 40:27-31

it's so comforting to know that my God is more powerful than i could ever comprehend... today i am going to rest in His arms, and in the truth that He is in control...

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

here's a good quote i found today...

"Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile."
-Mother Teresa

Monday, April 19, 2004

ugh... it's already sunday night again. what a bummer. i had a great weekend, though...

on friday afternoon katie and i went to the park to swing. we decided that no matter how old we get, we will never stop swinging! then on friday night i hung out with jess, eric, kyle, and mark from church. we watched "the bourne identity" at eric's house, then went to applebee's for half-price appetizers after 10. i'm pretty sure they weren't actually half-price, though. i never got to see the check cuz mark paid for us... he's a nice guy... despite all the "women are always wrong" comments. i really enjoyed hangin out with those guys. it was the most fun i've had in quite a while.

while i was at eric's on friday night, kate called to inform me that there was a half-naked drunk guy wandering the halls of our dorm. that's never really something i want to deal with, but especially not when i'm coming in at 2 in the morning. i was so paranoid... when i went into my room i looked under the beds and in the closets to make sure no one was in there. haha... i'm a dork.

after brunch on saturday, i went outside to do some work. it was so nice to be out in the beautiful weather! i actually got some sun, too! i know... it's amazing! later i watched "office space" with kate, bryan, kenny, sarah, and bryan. i love that movie so much. we had been talking about it a lot over the past couple weeks, so we decided it was time to watch it again.

today i went to church, took a nap, and was esentially useless the rest of the day. i have a lot of work to do, but i was completely unmotivated.

well, on that note, it's time for me to go to bed. g'night all...