Monday, June 21, 2004

so... today i'm off from work. what did i do all day? not a darn thing! it was very nice to have the day off, but i am poor, and in need of money... which i am not making by laying around all day. i'm only scheduled to work 8 hours this week... 4 tomorrow... 4 saturday. i wonder what i'll do with my time off... i have a few ideas... we'll see what happens.

my favorite boy in the world is coming to visit me this weekend! i can't wait to see him! i absolutely love being with him. every moment we spend together is better than the last. (whoa... where did the sappiness come from?!?) unfortunately, i have to work for 4 hours on saturday, as does my father. so mark will either have to hang out here with ma, or maybe go put up signs with brandon. i'm kinda hoping he'll get to put signs up with brandon... it'll give them a chance to bond. haha

9 weeks til i'm back in lancaster for good! i can't wait!!! love to all...

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