Monday, September 27, 2004

i am so tired, and this week begins a stressful part of the semester... you know, the time where you have tests in every one of your classes at the same stinking time! oh, let me tell ya... it's my favorite thing in the world! december cannot come soon enough! scratch that... MAY cannot come soon enough!!!!

on a positive note... i had a great weekend. mark and i went home for the bloomsburg fair. i know it sounds cheezy, but it's a rockin'-good time! growing up in bloomsburg (or close to it) i've been to the fair about a million and half times, but i love it every time. it always brings back fond memories of fair weeks gone by. *sigh*... good times...
i took mark into some of the buildings that consist of prize-winning fruits and vegetables, some talented and not-so-talented artwork, and various "infomercial" type products. then we met up with sarah and some of her friends from school and proceded to check out all the fun animals. the first animals we saw were llamas, which was quite funny, because sarah's friend thought there were llamas there, and she and i insisted that there weren't. while we were in that barn a couple lambs got loose, which was quite amusing. from there we went to see the belgian workhorses and a couple oxen, which were all huge. i've never seen horses that tall before, and i never quite realized just how big oxen are. it was an enlightening experience. and last, but definitely not least, i got my cinnamon bun! mmmmmm!!!!! it was a great time. i really miss hanging out with my sar... she needs to come down to visit me... *hint, hint*

on that note, i really need to get to bed... g'night kids... much love...

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