Wednesday, March 31, 2004

ok... and i have to add... i love my mia.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

well... today was definitely a better day. i decided that i'm going to take that night class this summer, so i'll be able to work at the bank... that is, if they hire me. (but i'm not going to worry about that!) i wrote a letter to them today asking if they had any positions available for the summer and if they'd send me an application. *crosses fingers*

i have also decided that i'm not going to let the things that i don't understand, can't change, and don't have yet, bother me. there are reasons for these things, and i just have to accept the fact it's all a part of life. i guess what i really have to do is keep myself from thinking about these things. worrying never changes anything. i know this in my head, but i keep worrying anyway... i wonder if i'll ever really learn...

i was just telling a friend of mine how important trust is to me... how it takes a lot for me to trust people to begin with, but then when they break my trust it's close to impossible for me to trust them again... at least not for a long time. i wonder why this is. obviously, trust is important to most people, but i just seem to put a larger emphasis on it than some of my friends. anyway... that's just what's goin on in my head right now...

kate put this new link on her blog... "A Satirical Guide to Safety in Wartime".it's so funny... you should definitely read it!

on that note, it's totally my bedtime... so good night... sleep tight... love to all...

Monday, March 29, 2004

ummm... i would like it to be april 30th right... NOW! ugh... being home this weekend was so wonderful! i love my house... and i even love bloomsburg. i can't wait to get back there for the summer. i miss my parents, and my dog, and my bed, and... just... everything. on the downside, though, i might have to work at giant again. *whine* i was thinking about working at a bank, but i have to take a class, and i'm not sure how that would work with scheduling. however, there is a possibility of a night class which would totally work. i really hope that works out. (how many times can i say "work" in one paragraph?)

i'm a little frustrated tonight... about a lot of things... pretty much life in general right now. there are just so many things that i don't understand... so many things i wish i could change... so many things i wish i didn't have to wait for... *sigh* i guess i should just go to bed... tomorrow's another day...

Thursday, March 25, 2004

seriously... isn't it friday yet? i feel like this week has gone on forever! i don't know why that is, because i haven't really had that much to do.

tonight i talked to my friend, scott again. it is so awesome that he and i can still talk like we always have after all these years and across so many miles. i was just thinking, tonight how cool it is that i'm still in touch with him in texas and my other friend, chris, in oklahoma. they are two guys that i just adore to no end. i am so thankful that i have them to talk to. we seem to be going through a lot of similar things right now, and it's just so nice to have people to talk to who know how i'm feeling. i'm so blessed by having you guys in my life... you are an answer to prayer... i just wanted you to know that. i can't wait til we get to see each other again... i miss you guys so much!!! ... and just so no one else feels left out... i'm thankful for all of my friends... you guys are the best!

and now it is time for bed... g'night!

Monday, March 22, 2004

ugh... i'm so tired of school!!! i cannot wait to go home this weekend. it's going to be so nice to sleep in my own bed, and see my dog, and maybe i'll even take a bubble bath!!!

kate and i were looking at the course catalog tonight, trying to figure out our schedules for next semester. good grief! that is so frustrating! i would just like to say that i LOVE when the DARS says, "select from:" followed by ONE option. so really, i don't get to select ANYTHING!!! (yeah, so i've given up on refraining from using smiley faces... i love them tooooo much!)

i'm talking to my buddy, scott right now. he is the biggest nerd, but i love him to no end! i'm so bummed out that he moved to texas. he needs to come back and hang out with me! i miss him so much...

Sunday, March 21, 2004

well... it is safe to say that i've become a little obsessed with the smileys... i'll try to work on that...
MY BEST FRIENDS, SHELL AND BRANDON (aka "boober") ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!! i'm so freaking excited and happy for them!!!

ma and daddy came down to visit this weekend. we had a splendid good time. i really miss them when i'm here at school, so it's always nice to see them. yesterday we went to house of pizza for lunch and then went shopping. (shell and brandon came down last night to tell me they were engaged... hehe... i love them so much! ) i took them (ma and daddy) to my church this morning, so they got to meet all the crazy people there. then i took them to the diner for lunch. i love the diner... they really liked it as well. i'm glad they got to come down... they're so much fun.

unfortunately, in just a few hours it will be the start of a brand new week. really, the only thing i have to do this week is a paper for dr. karnicky, but it is NOT fun paper. the assignment is so obscure and open-ended. i'm kinda stressed about it. i like having options, but i'm afraid of not writing what he wants. i'm probably just thinking about it way too much.

anyway... only 6 more weeks til i'm home for the summer and 8 weeks til obx!!! oh man... i love the beach... there's just something about it... it takes my breath away...

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

so i'm home... sometimes i love being here... sometimes i don't... so many memories...

anyway... i've been hangin out with shell and boober a lot... i love those guys... i seriously don't know what i would do without them. they are frienship personified. i'm so glad that they're in my life... thank God for you guys... love you! :)

Friday, March 05, 2004

one class stands between me and the open road to home... i'm so tempted to skip it. i want to get out of here so badly! i hope dr. karnicky lets us out early. i want to get through harrisburg before rush hour... *whine*

anyway... enough of my whining... have a great week everybody!!!

Thursday, March 04, 2004

so i've pretty much decided that i need to live here this summer... for a few reasons... anyway... the problem is, i don't have a place to live until august. so i told tim and christine about it and they're going to try to find a place for me to live for june and july. they told me that they'd really like for me to stay and contiue helping out with the youth group. i'm really hoping that that works out. i'd really miss everybody at church if i had to leave for the summer... plus, i kinda just want to stay away from bloomsburg right now...

on a brighter note... i'm goin home tomorrow!!!! yay!!!! i'm so stinking excited. (i love that i just said i want to stay away from bloomsburg and now i'm saying how excited i am to go home... it's all about the timing...) it is going to be so nice to get out of this place for a week!!! plus, i get to hang out with shell and boober and my totally cool parents!!! unfortunately, i do have some work that i have to do before i come back, but it will definitely be more relaxing than a week here.

on that note, i think i'm gonna go get a jump on the relaxing! love to all...

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

ugh... isn't it friday yet?!?