Thursday, March 04, 2004

so i've pretty much decided that i need to live here this summer... for a few reasons... anyway... the problem is, i don't have a place to live until august. so i told tim and christine about it and they're going to try to find a place for me to live for june and july. they told me that they'd really like for me to stay and contiue helping out with the youth group. i'm really hoping that that works out. i'd really miss everybody at church if i had to leave for the summer... plus, i kinda just want to stay away from bloomsburg right now...

on a brighter note... i'm goin home tomorrow!!!! yay!!!! i'm so stinking excited. (i love that i just said i want to stay away from bloomsburg and now i'm saying how excited i am to go home... it's all about the timing...) it is going to be so nice to get out of this place for a week!!! plus, i get to hang out with shell and boober and my totally cool parents!!! unfortunately, i do have some work that i have to do before i come back, but it will definitely be more relaxing than a week here.

on that note, i think i'm gonna go get a jump on the relaxing! love to all...

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