Monday, March 29, 2004

ummm... i would like it to be april 30th right... NOW! ugh... being home this weekend was so wonderful! i love my house... and i even love bloomsburg. i can't wait to get back there for the summer. i miss my parents, and my dog, and my bed, and... just... everything. on the downside, though, i might have to work at giant again. *whine* i was thinking about working at a bank, but i have to take a class, and i'm not sure how that would work with scheduling. however, there is a possibility of a night class which would totally work. i really hope that works out. (how many times can i say "work" in one paragraph?)

i'm a little frustrated tonight... about a lot of things... pretty much life in general right now. there are just so many things that i don't understand... so many things i wish i could change... so many things i wish i didn't have to wait for... *sigh* i guess i should just go to bed... tomorrow's another day...

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