Monday, November 10, 2003

uuuggghhh... i HATE mondays! i have no desire to walk across campus to my stupid chem. class. blah... and i have art today. plus, i REALLY miss jimi. i know he'll be home in two weeks, but i feel like i need him here now. i can't wait to hug him and squeeze him for hours!!!! i love him sooooo much!!!
i had such a good weekend. on friday night sarah, shell, brandon, and i hung out at my house for a bit. then sarah and i watched chicago and ate junk food. (mmmm...) then on saturday, i finally got to go out to the miller's to visit. it was so nice to just sit and talk to them. they're such wonderful people, and such a special part of my life. on saturday night, ma made a really good dinner, and then later she and i went over to the mall for a bit. brandon came over around 9 or something and gave me the id holder i've been wanting since august! hehe i was so happy. we sat at the kitchen table and talked for a few hours then. i haven't gotten a chance to talk to boober in a long time. i'm so glad he came down to chat. then sunday brandon came to church with me. cj, greg, and sarah were there. i love my church. i really miss all of those people when i'm at school. pastor steve and joan are so great! barbie was there, too. it was nice to see her as well. then i went home, talked to my favorite boy in the whole world for a little bit, ate dinner, packed and headed back here. i can't wait to go home again. the thought that jimi will be there is about the only thing that will get me through the next 2 weeks. (ah! i can't wait to see him!!!! ) only 15 more days!!!!

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