Tuesday, November 04, 2003

i had a politics test today. it was so awful. nothing that lindsay and i studied was on it. on the plus side, though, he told us we got a 20 point curve before we even took it. so lindsay figured out that we only needed to get 30 out of 80 questions right to get a B. i really hope i got enough right.
super smash is playin' their first playoff game tonight at 9, so we're all headin' over to pucillo to cheer them on. that promises to be a good time. i should definitely take more advil before we go, cuz i already have a headache, and i'm sure there will be much screaming going on around me.
i'm goin' home this weekend, and for once, i might actually get to do some stuff that i've been intending to do for some time now, because i don't think i have a whole lot of work to do for next week. i've been trying to get out to see the miller's for weeks now, and i just haven't had the time to do it, but this week i'm pretty sure i'm gonna get a chance to. i haven't seen shell and brandon in months, so i'm definitely going to try to spend some quality time with them.
here's some more exciting news... things with the apartment seem to be working out pretty well. we all have our applications, and as far as i know we're all going to get them filled out this weekend. so hopefully we'll be able to give them a definite answer soon. kate, lindsay, and i have been daydreaming about all the things we'll have and all the things we'll be able to do in our apartment. we're very excited about decorating (with ikea stuff!!! ), and being able to cook, and not have to wear shoes to the bathroom, and taking bubble baths. hhhmmm... that seems to be a recurring theme with my blogs these days. i'm a little excited.

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