Wednesday, November 12, 2003

AAAAHHHH!!!! i have so much to do! i'm going crazy!
on top of all the junk i have to do, there's the issue of somewhere to live next year. the guys already have an apartment. funny, i'm pretty sure i told them about the place, and they have an apartment before we do. don't get me wrong. i'm glad they have a place... i'm just not going to be very happy if we don't get one. i'm totally stressed about this right now. i really want to live there. i just wish we could just snap our fingers and get everything in to them. if i were talking to my mother right now she'd say something like, "if that's the place for you, it will work out." she's right, but it's hard not to worry about it.
today is the seventh anniversary of my grandmother's death. ma reminded me of that in an e-mail this morning. she said i'm a lot like grammy, and she'd be very proud of me. it made me cry. i miss my grandmother. she was a special lady.
this weekend is going to be lots of fun. s is comin down on friday night. she, mia, brad, phil, and i are goin to the chameleon club. it's a dance night, so phil, s, and i are probably going to end up watching brad and mia dance all night... that's all right, though... it'll still be a lot of fun. and hey, maybe i'll conjure up enough courage to dance too. it'll be good just to go out and have some fun. hopefully it'll keep my mind off of all the stuff that i have to do before the end of the semester.

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