Friday, August 02, 2013

Eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating.

It appears as though our dear little boy is going through a growth spurt.  Over the past two days he has wanted to do nothing other than eat and cuddle, and while I thoroughly enjoy cuddling with my precious boy, I've had little opportunity to do anything else, including taking a shower (Too much information?  Forgive me.  This, I have learned, is the life of a mother).  It is, however, very reassuring to know that my boy is growing.  I have a feeling that in a short amount of time, I will no longer be concerned about his growth.  He is, after all, a Bellis.  (For those who don't know, my husband is 6'4" and broad.  Yes, broad.).  Davyd is now beginning to fit into his 0-3 months clothing, which is so much fun, because he has received many adorable outfits from friends and family.  It seems finding outfits to fit him is going to be a challenge.  He is currently wearing 0-3 month onesies and shirts, newborn pants, and 6-9 month socks.  (The boy has enormous feet.  Perhaps he will be a swimmer.)  The challenge with this is that most baby clothes are sold as a group, which means I may be found in the corner of the baby clothing store, "mixing and matching" sizes. ;) To all the moms out there, where are the best places to mix and match without angering store staff? Are there many places that sell separates?  Most of the clothing we have has been purchased by friends and family, so I'm still a little clueless about shopping for this little guy.
At the moment, Davyd is sleeping peacefully.  So I suppose I really should be doing something other than blogging.  Something like brushing my teeth or changing out of my pajamas for once.  Here's hoping he sleeps for a few more minutes!


slydegirll said...


I would check out consigment shops for both pricing and the ability to mix n' match different sizes. This one is pretty awesome:

Jess Bird-Bellis said...

Thanks! I love consignment shops. Mommy brain must be setting in for me to forget consignment shops!