Tuesday, September 04, 2007

the plight of the only child...

sometimes i get a little bummed out that i don't have siblings. i feel like i'm missing out on things that people who have siblings get, like intimate relationships that are life-long, and (for the most part) unconditional. but i was reminded this weekend that God has blessed me with "siblings". i may not have grown up in the same household as they did, but we have intimate, life-long, unconditional relationships. these friends have been there for me through thick and thin (even at times when we didn't really like each other). not many people are blessed with friends who will stay up late (not to mention get out of bed) when they've had a bad night and just need a hug (and perhaps a huge piece of chocolate cake). i have those kinds of friends.

i am so blessed...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So i've truely never seen your blog until now. haha. And I love it! Haha some sisters stay up late-till like 9 and watch movies together, right? haha. What brought this up that you were thinking about being sibling-less?