Wednesday, March 28, 2007

lately i've been trying to write only positive things in the old blog, but today i'm just so frustrated, i can't help but complain.

this research project is driving me nuts!!!! first, i was hoping to get 30 surveys, and i only got 20 (which is really out of my hands, since i can't translate them for clients). now i'm trying to write this outline for the discussion section, which is more of a hassle than anything else. i swear it's impossible to put all the information i have to discuss into an outline. most of the subjects i have to discuss are all throughout the discussion section, so there's no good place to put it in the outline. i first just stuck it somewhere, hoping that my professor would just assume that i'd talk about it throughout the section, where it was relevant, but she did not. she told me not to break it up. now, how do you make an outline without breaking things up? isn't that the point of an outline?!? (i know this is probably not making a lot of sense, but i must get it out anyway) so i just emailed my professor and politely asked her if she could help me out, since what she told me to do didn't make any sense (of course, i didn't say that... even though i really wanted to). we'll see what she says.

*sigh* ok, complaining session complete. i really do have so much to be thankful for. after today, i only have 10 more days of my internship, and after friday, only 10 more days of classes! woo! this means that in less than 6 weeks i'll be finished with my first year of grad school, and in less than 9 weeks, i'll be moving back to lancaster!!! hooray!!!!

oh, and one more thing... it's SPRING!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey!! boo on research papers!!

anyway, 2 questions for you...did you get the job at Fulton? and, what are you looking for as far as P/T work goes? (hrs, pay, etc.)
i may have an opportunity for you but i'll just leave it at my 2 questions for now...

you can email me :-)
lovve you!