Tuesday, April 03, 2007

and i've stolen yet another survey from the kateness... she always posts these when i'm totally bored... it's like she knows i need some amusement. :)

[ current clothes ] millersville t-shirt and capris (i'm all millersvilled out today)
[ current mood ] bored and pensive
[ current music ] the cure
[ current pain ] blah
[ current taste ] um... tongue?
[ current hair ] ponytail... which is most likely out of control, as usual
[ current annoyance ] school... especially research... AND all the ignorant people in this bleeping town
[ current blessing ] i'm moving to lancaster next month!!!!
[ current smell ] patchouli incense
[ current amusement ] the conversation i'm having with eric kerr right now
[ current thing I ought to be doing ] painting something (just cause i feel like it)
[ current desktop picture ] one i took of a flower in boulder last summer
[ current book you're reading ] slaughterhouse five
[ current CD in CD player ] the best of fall out boy according to the kateness
[ current movie in DVD player ] first season of friends
[ current color of toenails ] red
[ current worry ] school... future
[ current wish ] if i tell you it won't come true... and believe me... i *really* want this one to come true...

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