Wednesday, August 31, 2005

how funny is this picture!?! it's from when we went to hershey for halloween 2 years ago. i have no idea what i was looking at that made me look so horrified. haha... good times, good times.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

well, my first day of classes went pretty well. i think i'm really going to like the two i had today. i really cannot understand why i thought i wanted to be an editor. i LOVE sociology classes. it makes so much more sense for me to go into social work than to become an editor. sometimes i think someone else should make decisions for me.

speaking of decisions, i was just on the phone talking to my mother about graduate schools. last fall i started looking at the university of maryland and marywood. for a while i was thinking about applying to temple, boston college, and boston university as well, but i've ruled them out on the basis of not wanting to take GRE's or living eight hours (or something) away from bloomsburg. so it looks like i'll just be applying to marywood and maryland. i hate decisions though. i can see myself getting really stressed out about this one. there's just so much to consider, and so little information to go on at this point. i'm so impatient... and i just hate not knowing what i'm doing next. i like to have a plan. i know it will all work out eventually, and i'll wonder why i was so stressed out about it, but right now i'm a little worried. maybe i'll just try eeny meeny miney moe. sound good?

on a rather different note... the kateness is coming home with me this weekend!!!!! i'm so excited. hopefully i'll be able to get some of my buds together on saturday night to take her out to all the happenin' places in bloomsburg. hehe i'm sure it will be like nothing she's ever experienced before.

and now i must go to bed, cause i'm way tired. g'night, kids... much love...

Monday, August 29, 2005


(for various reasons... you'd just have to be in my head)

Friday, August 26, 2005

oh... i just LOVE it when i can't fall asleep.

stupid brain...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

mark has this song on his xanga... and well, i felt the need to steal this part of it and post it here. it's just been that kind of week...

and i can't understand, all that you allow
i just can't see the reason
but my life is in your hands and though i cannot see you
i choose to trust you

*hugs* for mark... and others who may have had a rough week...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

i've decided that this living alone stuff has got to end. i'm about to lose my mind!!!

luckily, i only have a few more days...

Monday, August 15, 2005

i miss my bloomsburg buddies like whoa!

this weekend was another great one... saturday ma and i made a big dinner for all my buds (well... not all... some weren't able to come... and they were missed ) it was spectacular. my mother can COOK! it was seriously the best eggplant parmesan i have ever eaten. it's really too bad that i didn't inherit any of the cooking genes. anyway, i had a great time with everybody. i know i say it a lot, but i really love those guys. the greatest thing about the time we spend together is that we don't do anything. haha... we just sit around being goofy and having a blast.

then yesterday the parents and i went to eagle's mere to the arts and crafts festival. we walked up to the booth where you pay to get in and as my father was paying the woman, she asked, "is she 16?" um... yeah... i'm 21. i LOVE that she thought i was under 16. i suppose that will be a good thing in about 30 years, but right now it's kinda frustrating. eh well... we had a good laugh.

we came home, ate, and i did a little homework and then started to get my stuff together in order to leave. as i was doing this, my mother was watching the PGA tournament to see if she could spot jay in the crowd (she was convinced that she'd be able to see him amongst the throngs of people), and as she was watching, a severe weather alert came across the screen. the weather service was calling for severe thunderstorms all across the state, so long story short, i stayed in bloomsburg last night and got up at 6:30 this morning to drive back here to go to class at 10:15. i am beat. i laid around all afternoon and slept for over and hour or so, and i'm still tired. it was nice to get to stay an extra night though. we all (including the mags) sat on the porch for a while... then daddy went to bed cause he has to get up at an hour that doesn't even exist to me... so then ma and i sat out there and chatted about life. i'm so blessed to have the parents i have. not many people can say that their parents are their best friends. i'm glad i can.

speaking of best friends... sarah's family moved to new jersey today. that is so very weird to me. it's hard to believe she won't be living in that house anymore. i'm sure it's weird to her as well. but i hope she knows she is always welcomed to crash at my house if she's feeling homesick or just wants a homecooked meal. my parents would absolutely love it. change is hard... but as miss joan always says, it's the only thing that's constant.

and now i'm off to work on statistics. this is my last week (i hope)... my final is on thursday, so if you need me before then, i'll probably be in the livingroom studying til my eyes begin to bleed. (sorry katie)

love to all...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
-Jeremiah 29:13

Sunday, August 07, 2005

what a great weekend...

last night i got to hang out with my best buds in bloomsburg. it was absolutely wonderful. i forgot how much i love being with all of them. first shell, brandon, jay and i hung out at brandon's grandmother's pool for a little while. then cj, greg and lindsay met us back at my house, and we just sat around talking all night. shell, brandon, and jay stayed til about 2 in the morning. it has been a really long time since shell has hung out that late. i was trying to remember the last time... i think it was 3 years ago, right after her birthday, when the four of us sat on my front porch talkin' til 2am. i have some great memories with those guys. i'm so thankful that they're all a part of my life. it was just so reviving to be with them last night. i really needed that. and it really meant a lot to me for shell to stay out so late, cause she doesn't often do that. i feel special.

i have this quote in my profile that says, "when i find myself fading, i close my eyes and realize my friends are my energy". that couldn't be more true for me. those guys really are my energy. i miss them so much when i'm not home. i'm just able to be more of myself when i'm with them, and that's such a great feeling.

so thank you guys for an incredible night... you mean the world to me... love ya bunches...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

It is customary to blame secular science and anti-religious philosophy for the eclipse of religion in modern society. It would be more honest to blame religion for its own defeats. Religion declined not because it was refuted, but because it became irrelevant, dull, oppressive, insipid. When faith is completely replaced by creed, worship by discipline, love by habit; when the crisis of today is ignored because of the splendor of the past; when faith becomes an heirloom rather than a living fountain; when religion speaks only in the name of authority rather than with the voice of compassion - its message becomes meaningless.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

(side note: mark sent this to me, just so everyone knows and he doesn't start whining again)

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

happy birthday, sar!!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005