Tuesday, August 30, 2005

well, my first day of classes went pretty well. i think i'm really going to like the two i had today. i really cannot understand why i thought i wanted to be an editor. i LOVE sociology classes. it makes so much more sense for me to go into social work than to become an editor. sometimes i think someone else should make decisions for me.

speaking of decisions, i was just on the phone talking to my mother about graduate schools. last fall i started looking at the university of maryland and marywood. for a while i was thinking about applying to temple, boston college, and boston university as well, but i've ruled them out on the basis of not wanting to take GRE's or living eight hours (or something) away from bloomsburg. so it looks like i'll just be applying to marywood and maryland. i hate decisions though. i can see myself getting really stressed out about this one. there's just so much to consider, and so little information to go on at this point. i'm so impatient... and i just hate not knowing what i'm doing next. i like to have a plan. i know it will all work out eventually, and i'll wonder why i was so stressed out about it, but right now i'm a little worried. maybe i'll just try eeny meeny miney moe. sound good?

on a rather different note... the kateness is coming home with me this weekend!!!!! i'm so excited. hopefully i'll be able to get some of my buds together on saturday night to take her out to all the happenin' places in bloomsburg. hehe i'm sure it will be like nothing she's ever experienced before.

and now i must go to bed, cause i'm way tired. g'night, kids... much love...

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