Monday, August 15, 2005

i miss my bloomsburg buddies like whoa!

this weekend was another great one... saturday ma and i made a big dinner for all my buds (well... not all... some weren't able to come... and they were missed ) it was spectacular. my mother can COOK! it was seriously the best eggplant parmesan i have ever eaten. it's really too bad that i didn't inherit any of the cooking genes. anyway, i had a great time with everybody. i know i say it a lot, but i really love those guys. the greatest thing about the time we spend together is that we don't do anything. haha... we just sit around being goofy and having a blast.

then yesterday the parents and i went to eagle's mere to the arts and crafts festival. we walked up to the booth where you pay to get in and as my father was paying the woman, she asked, "is she 16?" um... yeah... i'm 21. i LOVE that she thought i was under 16. i suppose that will be a good thing in about 30 years, but right now it's kinda frustrating. eh well... we had a good laugh.

we came home, ate, and i did a little homework and then started to get my stuff together in order to leave. as i was doing this, my mother was watching the PGA tournament to see if she could spot jay in the crowd (she was convinced that she'd be able to see him amongst the throngs of people), and as she was watching, a severe weather alert came across the screen. the weather service was calling for severe thunderstorms all across the state, so long story short, i stayed in bloomsburg last night and got up at 6:30 this morning to drive back here to go to class at 10:15. i am beat. i laid around all afternoon and slept for over and hour or so, and i'm still tired. it was nice to get to stay an extra night though. we all (including the mags) sat on the porch for a while... then daddy went to bed cause he has to get up at an hour that doesn't even exist to me... so then ma and i sat out there and chatted about life. i'm so blessed to have the parents i have. not many people can say that their parents are their best friends. i'm glad i can.

speaking of best friends... sarah's family moved to new jersey today. that is so very weird to me. it's hard to believe she won't be living in that house anymore. i'm sure it's weird to her as well. but i hope she knows she is always welcomed to crash at my house if she's feeling homesick or just wants a homecooked meal. my parents would absolutely love it. change is hard... but as miss joan always says, it's the only thing that's constant.

and now i'm off to work on statistics. this is my last week (i hope)... my final is on thursday, so if you need me before then, i'll probably be in the livingroom studying til my eyes begin to bleed. (sorry katie)

love to all...

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