Thursday, September 30, 2004

this is one of the funniest stories i've read in a long time. thank goodness for cheerleaders and knee high boots! you can all thank mark for this bit of hilarity.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

um... i just read my post from august 19th. uh, yeah... naptime? what the beep is naptime!?!

Monday, September 27, 2004

i am so tired, and this week begins a stressful part of the semester... you know, the time where you have tests in every one of your classes at the same stinking time! oh, let me tell ya... it's my favorite thing in the world! december cannot come soon enough! scratch that... MAY cannot come soon enough!!!!

on a positive note... i had a great weekend. mark and i went home for the bloomsburg fair. i know it sounds cheezy, but it's a rockin'-good time! growing up in bloomsburg (or close to it) i've been to the fair about a million and half times, but i love it every time. it always brings back fond memories of fair weeks gone by. *sigh*... good times...
i took mark into some of the buildings that consist of prize-winning fruits and vegetables, some talented and not-so-talented artwork, and various "infomercial" type products. then we met up with sarah and some of her friends from school and proceded to check out all the fun animals. the first animals we saw were llamas, which was quite funny, because sarah's friend thought there were llamas there, and she and i insisted that there weren't. while we were in that barn a couple lambs got loose, which was quite amusing. from there we went to see the belgian workhorses and a couple oxen, which were all huge. i've never seen horses that tall before, and i never quite realized just how big oxen are. it was an enlightening experience. and last, but definitely not least, i got my cinnamon bun! mmmmmm!!!!! it was a great time. i really miss hanging out with my sar... she needs to come down to visit me... *hint, hint*

on that note, i really need to get to bed... g'night kids... much love...

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

i'm a little frustrated tonight. it seems that i will never escape some aspects of my high school experience. maybe it's just me. maybe i just assume that things are going to happen this way because they always have for me. maybe i'm making it worse than it really is. the thing is, i thought it was going to be different this time. i didn't think there was going to be any tension, but there is definite tension. why can't we all just be mature adults? i don't understand. i wish i could go for a drive... i need a drive. but i don't have time.
(sorry this is a little vague... it kinda has to be...)

i'm also a bit stressed out at the moment. i just have so much going on. taking six classes is not exactly a walk in the park. on top of that i have youth stuff... which i absolutely love... i had the greatest time tonight... i love my girls... you totally rock! and then there's mark... what can i say... he takes a lot of time. hehe just kidding... i acutally wish i had more time to spend with him... there just aren't enough hours in the day!

all right... i think i'm finished complaining now... it's time for bed... g'night...

Thursday, September 02, 2004

yay!!! we finally have the internet! we had a grand old time figuring out how to get it to work last night. thankfully, mark was here and he was able to figure it out. hooray for cute boyfriends who know how to do things! haha

so the first week of classes hasn't been too awful. i wish i could say the same for parking! on tuesday i left half an hour before my class and was still late because i couldn't find a parking place. let me tell you... i was thrilled! i don't know why they never built a parking garage. it's insanity. maybe it will get better as time goes on... maybe more people will start car-pooling.

this weekend is labor day weekend, which means that i'm going home. i'm really looking forward to that. i miss the ma and daddy... and the stinky dog. markus carkus is coming with me, which makes me even more happy. it'll be nice to have someone in the car for the 2 hour ride. plus, i just really like being with him. we'll probably go up to falls for the anual frank family excuse to drink excessive amounts of alcohol... i mean... labor day party... haha... ya gotta love my crazy family.

well, that's it for now... love to all...