Saturday, February 21, 2004

it's been a long week. i'm so glad it's over. hopefully next week will be less eventful... and less sad...

this week is probably going to involve a ridiculous amount of reading for me. i love to read, but books about disasters aren't exactly my favorite (i have to annotate one for my sociology of disaster class). the other book i have to read is a crime novel. that's actually been pretty good so far. it's the first of a trilogy... all of which we'll be reading in my scotish lit. class. all i can say is... they better be better than the last book we read. it was absolutely horrible, and to make it worse, we had to watch the bloody movie on thursday night. i have never wanted to throw myself out a window more than i did that night. it was compltely mind-numbing.

on a brighter note, only two more weeks til spring break!!! good heavens! i cannot wait!!!

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