Friday, September 05, 2003

ah, friday. the week of classes has come to an end. i'm definitely looking forward to relaxing this weekend. i'm stayin at school, along with lindsay and skippy. everyone else is going home. i'm sure the 3 of us will have a ridiculously good time. we already have a trip to wally world planned. =)
so yesterday i had chem. lab again. i'm happy to inform you that i was finished early! so to reward myself... i'm going to the bookstore this afternoon to buy myself a really cool pen for 99 cents. (man, i'm such a nerd!) i think i deserve at least that after the week i had...
my dear friend, pauly and i had one of our little... uh... "misunderstandings" this week. he thought i was mad at him, and i was just frustrated with a certain situation. so instead of coming to talk to me about it (like i've told him to do on many occasions *wink*) he just avoided me until i got so fed up with the craziness that i went upstairs to talk to him about it. i know this sounds like an easy task, but it's not for someone as stubborn as i am. so to make a long story short...we talked, we lauhged, we hugged, and now everything is ok. eh, no, i guess i can't really say that, but we're at least talking to eachother now. =) hopefully in the future everything will be ok. for now i guess all i can do is wait...

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