Thursday, August 28, 2003

well... i'm back at the good old 'ville now. (can you sense the enthusiasm?) i'm glad to see all my buds, but this school work stuff is not my favorite. i have a chemistry lab this semester. you may be thinking, "she's an english major. why in the world would she have to take chem. lab?" i wish i could answer that question for you, but i have yet to figure it out myself. however, i do have a theory. i think they make everybody take a chem. lab so they can make tons of money on the ridiculously over priced books. or it could just be that everyone is out to get me. so today i had the first lab session. all we had to do was weigh some things and mix some other things. you'd think that i'd be able to do that in a reasonable amount of time. i'm sad to inform you that that is not the case. the class was supposed to be over at 20 after 4. i left at quarter of 5. AND i still hadn't finished any of my calculations. why? because i don't know how to do them!!!! i'm just THAT dumb! so tomorrow i have to treck all the way back to sci tech to hand in the lab report that everyone else in the class finished. boy, do i feel intelligent. but finally... some good news... first, we have the internet back (it's been down since we got here because of some viruses), and second, i'm going home for a long weekend tomorrow. thank goodness the first week of hell is almost over...

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