Thursday, December 12, 2019

His Strength is Made Perfect in Our Weakness (written for my church's devotional)

Read: John 18

Oh, Peter. I get you. In my younger years (and sometimes even more recently), I judged Peter for his wrong actions. I would think things like, “Why would you cut the guy’s ear off? How does that help anything? Don’t you realize that God in the flesh is standing right next to you and is in control of this situation? Ugh. What is wrong with you, Peter?” Then later, when he denies Jesus 3 times, I would think to myself, Oh, I would never, could never do that! How could Peter do such a thing and only hours before have the boldness to declare that he wouldn’t let anything happen to Jesus? I imagine you have had similar thoughts while reading this passage. As God has grown my faith and understanding of who He is, I have come to realize that Peter and I have an awful lot in common. So often, when tense or difficult circumstances arise, I want to do as Peter did in the garden and take matters into my own hands. I fail to trust that God is in control of my circumstances and that even when things seem very bleak and out of control, He is working for my good and His glory. Although I may not flat out ever say that I don’t know Jesus, I know that I deny him with my actions. My attitudes of pride, fear, anger, rebellion, etc. all deny the truth that I know about God.

Yet, there is hope! Peter may have messed up, but God made a way of forgiveness through Jesus, and used Peter to build his church! He will continue to use imperfect people like you, me, and Peter as we allow Him to work through us. As Scripture says in 1 Corinthians 12:9, “9 But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”  Thanks be to God that he gave us His Spirit to enable us to do His work! So, if you’re feeling like a failure today, know that you’re in good company (people dependent on God’s grace), and most importantly, that you have a generous Savior who helps us in our weakness to magnify His strength! Pray that God will use you today and help you to grow through your failures.

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