Wednesday, February 28, 2007

believe it or not, it's sunny in scranton again. two wednesdays in a row... it's a MIRACLE! hehe

it's amazing how a little sunshine can change my attitude. several little annoyances occurred today, and i responded to them very differently today than i have in the past (for instance, when it's really gloomy outside). like this morning... i was going to the meter to put some more money in when i saw that there was an open spot right in front of the building. so, i thought i'd move my car up, but by the time i got to the spot, someone had already taken it. on a different day i probably would have been frustrated by that, but today i thought to myself, "oh well. i'll get to drive around for a couple blocks listening to the new fall out boy cd and enjoying the sunshine". now i know some of you *cough--mark--cough* will probably think i'm lying about this, but i'm really not. i become very different when the sun is shining. it's like i'm the opposite of a vampire... or something. hahahaha (forgive me... i'm really random today... perhaps also a symptom of the sunshine...)

now if only i could learn to have the same positive attitude no matter what the weather or the circumstances. but growth is a process... and when i struggle i'm able to experience God's grace... what a wonderful thing...

so, i hope that as you're reading this, it's sunny wherever you are...

love to all...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

today is beautiful. walking outside this morning without wearing a bulky winter coat was wonderful! it's amazing how a little sunshine can make me feel so good. it is a beautiful reminder that winter doesn't last forever. there is always the hope of spring...

you should feel the sun in spring
comin out after a rain
suddenly all is green
sunshine on everything
i can feel it now
i feel You now
and how could such a thing
shine its light on me
and make everything beautiful
and you should hear the angels sing
all gathered round their king
more beautiful than you could dream
i've been quietly listening
you can hear them now
i hear them now
and how could such a king
shine His light on me
and make everything beautiful
and i want to shine
i want to be light
i want to tell you it'll be alright
and i want to shine and i want to fly
just to tell you now
it'll be alright, it'll be alright

'cause i've got nothing of my own to give to you
but this light that shines on me shines on you
and makes everything beautiful, again
it'll be alright...

-david crowder band "stars"

Saturday, February 17, 2007

12 weeks til the end of the semester... 15 til i'm back in lancaster!


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

as i do every year, i will now share with you my favorite anti-valentine's card of the year...

love it.

Monday, February 12, 2007

well... it's official...

i'm moving back to lancaster in june (yes, this june)!!!!


anyone know of an apartment i can rent?