Wednesday, October 18, 2006

he's been home for years....

we haven't been 'together' for years...

but thinking about what he went through-what we both went through-what millions of others are going through- still makes me cry...

nothing good comes from war...

cultivate peace...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

you're right...we should just bomb the shit out of them!

Jess Bird-Bellis said...

or... we could bomb you and see how you feel about it. :)

Anonymous said...

ahhhh yes, but i don't threaten your existense...and i haven't blown up any buildings...and i don't make bombs out of wounded animals in order to kill soldiers that are actually there to help me...but if i do, then by all means, do it

Jess Bird-Bellis said...

the problem is that most of the people who are dying are not necessarily the people who are doing the bombing... they're innocent victims. the other problem is that there will be no end to this war. "we" are fighting against a belief and a mindset that cannot be changed with violence. these people believe that what they're doing makes God happy, and enables them to have eternal life (and 70--or some number-- virgins when they get to heaven). our violence will never curb their violence. it is an endless cycle.