Monday, November 14, 2005

i had another wonderful weekend in good old bloomsburg (well, for the most part anyway...). on thursday night i hung out with ceej and greg and watched them make apple dumplings. i was supposed to help, but well... i didn't cause i'm bum. then friday ma and i went up to marywood to visit the campus and get some information on grad. school and all that stuff. it went well. i really think i'll like the program, and the campus is really beautiful. the numerous statues of mary reminded me of the time we all went up to see one of jay's soccer games. that was a good time...

anyway... then on friday night i hung out with brandon and his buds. they are such a good time. i had a blast! i had a rough week (which continued that night for reasons i won't get into), so it was just great to kick back and laugh with them. i wish shell could've hung out with us, but she has a big test today that she had to study for. *good luck, buddy*

saturday i pretty much just stayed around the house... did a little homework... slept for a while... bummed around in general. then brandon and i went to the susquehanna valley mall before greg's hockey game. he did a little shopping, then we went to garfield's for an appetizer and dessert, and then went and met ceej at the hockey game. as we were driving to the rink, brandon missed the turn into the parking lot. so i said, "i dare you to drive through the grass". he did. and then realized there was a curb, and instead of stopping and backing up, he just went right over it. it was hilarious. i thought i was going to pee my pants! the night was a lot of fun... brought back a lot of memories...

on sunday i went to church, did a little shopping with ma, took a nap, then went to church to talk to the youth group. it was fun. i hope i get to do it again. when i got home i told ma we should get a movie. so we went down and got charlie and the chocolate factory. it was SOOOO good! we both laughed so hard. it was great.

and now i'm back in good old lancaster county (boo!). the next few weeks are probably going to be a blur, which is good and bad. i'm going to be so busy, i'm going to go out of my mind, but it will also make the time go faster... and that's a very good thing right now.

hope everyone has a great week... love to all...

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