Sunday, July 31, 2005

so i spent all day yesterday and most of today outside at a soccer tournament in york. guess who didn't put sunscreen on her back? for some reason i didn't think i'd get burnt. wrong. so wrong. i'm so sore right now. and it sucks that i live alone, cause it's kinda hard to put aloe on my own back. *ugh*

the weekend was a lot of fun though. it made me miss playing soccer... even though i know beyond a shadow of a doubt that i'm in no shape to play anymore. it'd be fun to just play around though. i was really impressed by the over 30 and 40 year old teams. i doubt i'll even be able to run by the time i'm that age, let alone play in a soccer tournament. maybe i should quit bein' so lazy.

i can't believe tomorrow is august 1st. the summer went so fast. to be honest, i'm kinda glad that it's almost over. i'm getting tired of living alone, and i want my last year of college to start... so it can end... all i have to do is get through intro to stats and then soc. stats, which has been a challenge so far... and will continue to be, i'm sure. stupid math. who needs it?

this weekend went so fast... tomorrow's monday already... the only good thing about that is that it's one day closer to me going home on saturday. i'm really looking forward to being in bloomsburg again. it's crazy how much i miss home lately. it's probably just because i'm tired of being here. lancaster just isn't as friendly as bloomsburg. throughout high school i thought all i wanted to do was get out of bloomsburg, but over the past 3 years i've learned to appreciate it a lot more. it'll always be home...

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