Thursday, July 07, 2005

last night the youth group did a "bigger and better" scavenger hunt. they start with a pencil, and go around to houses asking for something bigger and/or better than what they started with to (possibly) be donated to the water street rescue mission. my girls got a bunch of stuffed animals, a couch, and a grill. another group got a dryer. haha... good times. anyway... we can't take everything to the rescue mission, so some of us had to take stuff home. i took a set of livingroom furniture. originally i was only going to take 2 chairs, but i decided to take the couch too, since it was free and all. it's pretty nice stuff. the couch is a little worn, but it's comfy... and again... it's free. hooray for free things!!!

tomorrow i'm working from 8:45- 5:00 and then going home again for the weekend. i'm definitely looking forward to that. last weekend was so great... i'm hoping this one will be just as fun. i never thought i'd miss bloomsburg so much...

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