Tuesday, June 21, 2005

i officially quit my job at gadzooks tonight. it was awesome. i'm so relieved that i will only be working there a few more days. tonight my manager stood in the doorway of the store talking to a friend and her boyfriend from 5:30 until 7:50. yes, i timed her because this happens all the time. she definitely told me and my co-workers to work on shipment because she "shouldn't have to do it" and then proceeded to stand around talking for almost two and a half hours. i cannot tell you how angry that made me. i wish i was more assertive. i day-dreamed of telling her that i wasn't going to work anymore if she continued standing there doing nothing. i wish i could do things like that. i just don't have the guts. she wasn't very happy when i told her i was starting at the bank on the 27th. she told me i couldn't use her as a reference for future jobs. i wanted to tell her that i wouldn't use her as a reference in a million years because she is the most irresponsible, unprofessional person i've ever worked for, but again, i didn't have the guts. *sigh* maybe one day i'll learn to be more assertive.

on a fairly different note... i have to say i'm still frustrated with church. well... maybe not church, just some people at church. i cannot understand why these people think that women should not be in positions of leadership. there is nothing intrinsic about a woman that makes her unable to be a leader. this is the 21st century. we're not cave people. this shouldn't even be an issue. i also can't understand why these people get so upset about others' choice of clothing. evidently something as insignificant as clothing is more important to these people than caring for students. what kind of message are we sending them if we're arguing over wardrobe? i will say that there are other individuals at church for whom i'm very thankful (they tend to be the people who are more open-minded). so i'll try to focus on the positive aspects of church in order to keep myself sane. forgive my rant... i'm just so tired of close-mindedness.

i feel much better now, so i'm off to bed... g'night all... much love...

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