Monday, February 14, 2005

ah, valentine's day. the weather today was absolutely perfect for this particular holiday. i couldn't be happier with it.

i made it through the day with the aid of some lovely websites from friends who understand my hatred for the holiday. one site has wonderful e-cards that express the gloom of the day. so i sent one to ryan, who, believe it or not, hates valentine's day as much or maybe even more than i do. the unfortunate (or rather hilarious) part is that the subject line read: jess has sent you vd! classic.

on a less negative note, i spent much of the afternoon sleeping and moping around cuz my head was throbbing, and i otherwise felt pretty gross. what valentine's day would be complete without a little nausea? i do feel quite a bit better now, though. if i had to guess i'd say it's because i know this horrible holiday is almost over for another year. and tomorrow, ryan and i are going to celebrate that with 5 gay men (the queer eye guys)! it doesn't get much better than that!

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