Monday, January 31, 2005

today was um... interesting.

yesterday afternoon i came back to the apartment to find that the ceiling in my bathroom had acquired a growth. it looked like there was a bag of water hanging from the ceiling. needless to say, this is not exactly something i wanted to deal with... ever. so i didn't. at least not right away.

instead i went to the women's film series showing of Seven Beauties, which is an independent film from the 70's. unfortunately i was unaware (before it began) that it was about an italian soldier who was captured and put into a concentration camp. this did not help my already foul mood... at all. i went to bed with images of... well... things you would imagine one would see in a concentration camp. i have no problem with films of this nature. i think it's important for people to be exposed to these kinds of atrocities because it was a reality for a lot of people, but i was not in a mindset to appreciate it last night.

anyway... back to the point. i came back to the apartment and realized that this situation with the ceiling was probably not something i wanted to ignore for an extended period of time, so i called the apartment office and left a message for them to come as soon as possible. the maintenance man was here all day. evidently what started out as a leaky toilet (yeah, ew) above us turned into a much larger problem. hooray for living in an apartment building!

by the way... anyone have any idea what one would use vegetable oil for when fixing a pipe? just curious...

after that madness i went to social stratification. man, i love that class. i don't think i've ever been more excited about going to a class than i am for that one. i really can't even describe what is so wonderful about it... you'd just have to experience it for yourself.

and then there's my black women writers class...
i've decided that my professor is clinically insane. tonight she read to us for 35 minutes. t h i r t y- f i v e minutes... evidently i've regressed to kindergarten. the best part is the stuff she was reading had something to do with the "eroticism" of reading. all i can say is that is an hour and a half that i will NEVER get back.

when i came back to the apartment... and to the hole in my ceiling after that class i decided i needed a drink, but since i'm not yet 21, katie and i decided to go to square one for hot chocolate instead (the next best kind of drink). unfortunately square one is closed for a couple days for rennovations... so it was onto the lyndon diner for us. (mmmm... curly fries!) as always, we had a smashingly good time, which included a conversation about the pope. i believe it went something like this:
kate: we don't have the pope.
me: that's good.
kate: *nod* one man shouldn't be able to make all those decisions by himself.
me: he can't even pee on his own... if you can't pee on your own, you shouldn't be pope.

sensationally irreverent! nothing says a good time like curly fries and a discussion about the pope's ability (or inability) to relieve himself... by himself.

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