Wednesday, June 30, 2004

some people from church and i went to see dave tonight. (for those who don't know... dave has cancer, and isn't doing very well) he seemed to be having a good day. he was telling us all kinds of stories... he's SUCH a nice guy. i wish he didn't have to suffer like this. it doesn't seem fair, but i know God has a purpose for this situation. He has used dave to be an example and encouragement to a ton of people. i'm so glad that i have the privilege of knowing him. please keep him in your prayers.

Monday, June 28, 2004

another wonderful weekend with mark... it's always so hard to go back to work after a weekend with him. i definitely had a "case of the mondays" today. thankfully, i will be spending this coming weekend with him as well... and only 8 more weeks til i'm back in lancaster for good!!!

ok... i'm incapable of thinking of anything else to say right now... my brain is fried. g'night

Thursday, June 24, 2004

guess what!?! i got my hair cut!!! i feel so much lighter! i love it!!!

Monday, June 21, 2004

so... today i'm off from work. what did i do all day? not a darn thing! it was very nice to have the day off, but i am poor, and in need of money... which i am not making by laying around all day. i'm only scheduled to work 8 hours this week... 4 tomorrow... 4 saturday. i wonder what i'll do with my time off... i have a few ideas... we'll see what happens.

my favorite boy in the world is coming to visit me this weekend! i can't wait to see him! i absolutely love being with him. every moment we spend together is better than the last. (whoa... where did the sappiness come from?!?) unfortunately, i have to work for 4 hours on saturday, as does my father. so mark will either have to hang out here with ma, or maybe go put up signs with brandon. i'm kinda hoping he'll get to put signs up with brandon... it'll give them a chance to bond. haha

9 weeks til i'm back in lancaster for good! i can't wait!!! love to all...

Sunday, June 20, 2004

the song of the week...

“Even when we turned our backs on You
In wickedness and lies supressed your truth
Even when You showed Your love for us
Giving up Your life upon the cross

Jesus, thank You for the cross
For the blood that sets us free
The crimson stain of all our sin
Washed away in Your mercy

Enemies of God with no excuse
Knowing what was right we turned from You
Given up to sin, condemned to die
Even then You chose to give us life

Jesus, thank You for the cross
For the blood that sets us free
The crimson stain of all our sin
Washed away in Your mercy

Every one of us deserves to die
But You save all who hope in Your great love

This is love…”

Thursday, June 17, 2004

i had a bad day...

Saturday, June 12, 2004

WE HAVE AN APARTMENT!!!! YAY!!!! and... in 8 weeks i will be moving in! i cannot freaking wait! WAHOO!!!

on another very good note... i got to see mark today. it is always soooo good to see him. i can't wait to move down there and be able to see him every day. *sigh* he never fails to make me feel good. i love being with him... even if it's only for a few hours.

Sunday, June 06, 2004

i had a great weekend...

on friday night i went to see my mia in reading (sinking spring really). it was soooo good to see her! i muv her to pieces!!! we watched the blue collar comedy tour movie. it was hysterical. *sigh* good times... good times.

on saturday afternoon i headed over to lancaster to see mark. we had a great time. i love being with him. he's so good to me... i couldn't ask for anything more. in church today, rich was talking to me about how great mark is. he went on and on about it, and i couldn't agree more. he is an amazing man, and i am so blessed to have him in my life.
he took me to el serano's for dinner last night. oh man, that food was sooo good... not to mention HUGE! afterwards we rented a movie and went back to his house to watch it. (we ate some birthday cake with his parents before... they are so sweet... i adore them!) today we went to church, then to lunch at applebee's. every moment i spent with him was wonderful. i wish i could be with him all the time, but alas, i can't right now. someday, though... someday...

today shell and brandon came over for a little birthday dinner. ma made GREAT food, and we had loads of fun... especially when the cake she made fell apart! hehe

so all-in-all... i had a great birthday weekend... thank you everyone who made it special... i love you all!!!