Thursday, April 01, 2004

30 days til i'm outa this place for the summer! good heavens, i cannot wait! i have soooo much to do in those 30 days, though... it's gonna be rough. i have an 8 page philosophy paper due the 6th, a 10 page scotish lit paper due the 29th, a 5 page lit paper due the 26th, 2 essay finals, a regular final and one more book to read. ugh! i will be so happy when this semester is over! i'm getting pretty stressed out... it's getting to the point where everything... and i mean everything... is hysterical to me. i laugh at virtually nothing for extended periods of time. ask the roommate... she knows.

at church tonight we were talking about hell... and what it is. the Bible describes it as a lake of fire and eternal separation from God. somebody pointed out tonight, that everything good comes from God, and since hell is the absence of God, there is NOTHING good in hell... forever. that's kind of a scary thought... boy, am i glad i never have to experience that...

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