Sunday, February 29, 2004

wanna know what i did this weekend??? well, i'm gonna tell ya anyway!

last night i got to go out to eat with jess, from church. it was so nice to get to talk to her, and get to know her better... she's so much fun.

today kate and i went to see "The Passion of the Christ"... i don't really even know what to say... i was absolutely speechless afterwards. it was so emotional. it was very bloody, and parts were very difficult to watch, but i think that it made me appreciate more fully what Christ went through so that you and i could have eternal life. i came out of the film with a greater understanding of the kind of love that Christ has for me... and all humanity. i'm really glad that i went to see it. i will say that some parts were a little strange -and in my opinion, unneeded- but overall, it was a good movie... a very powerful movie... i'd definitely recommend it. i'd love to know what anyone else who has seen it thought about it... (see that comments link... use it! )

i would just like to say that i am so thrilled that i'm going home on friday! i can't believe it's already spring break! i feel like i've been looking forward to this for years! it's gonna be so great to be home with my family... and my awesome friends... *sigh* i miss them all so much! unfortunately, i won't get to see my sar cuz she's goin to portugal to see her sister, but hopefully i'll see her the next time i go home... or maybe she'll be gracious enough to come down here to visit!

well, on that note, i think i'll head to bed. it's past one already, and i have to get up at 8 for church. i'm gonna be a tired little girl tomorrow. g'night!

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