Wednesday, November 19, 2003

remember that awful test i was talking about on monday? well, i got it back today. i got a 55. the average was a 67. is she going to curve it? no. i want to strangle this woman!!!! i don't understand why you wouldn't curve a test on which the average student got a 67. you would think that would tell you something about your teaching methods. granted, there aren't many science majors in this class, so i can understand if she didn't expect us to do exceedingly well, but come on! i was feelin' pretty good before that class this morning. i took nyquil last night before bed, and then again at 5 because i woke up coughing like a maniac. i don't think it wore off by the time i woke up this morning, cuz i was completely relaxed and pretty much out of it. it was great! haha
i decorated our room (well, the window anyway) for christmas today. kate and i were listening to christmas music yesterday, and got the bright idea of getting little window cling decoration thingies (that's the technical term for those who don't know ). so after lit class we stopped at wal mart and got some. there's something about christmas decorations that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. i love christmas so much! i can't wait to decorate the house and bake cookies with ma. jimi might even help bake this year since he'll be home!!! *sigh* december 13th can't come soon enough!

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