Monday, March 31, 2003

i was on spring break for the past week (and so was my bestest friend, sarah... so i got to spend time with her... it was wonderful!), so it's been a little while since i've updated my blog... how sad... i'm sure you all missed my radom jabberings. =)

well, i must say, i've been havin a tough couple of weeks. jimi is in the middle of iraq, and i just can't seem to get away from the news. there were a few nights that i stayed up staring at the television for no apparent reason. i couldn't bring myself to turn it off. in some weird way i guess it was comforting or something. it's all the same information now though. no one knows when it's going to be over, but people continue to ask. it's so frustrating. i understand that people want to know. believe me. i want to know just as much if not more than most people, but i just can't take listening to one more person say that they don't know anything.

i got out to visit some of jimi's family. it's so nice to see them. they're such wonderful people. they've always been so kind and supportive of me. they're like my second family. (i hope that one day they'll be my real second family) =) becky (his little sister) and i went to applebee's one night. i'm so amazed by her maturity in this situation; she's been so strong, and i'm so proud of her. hope and gary (jimi's aunt and uncle) had me out for dinner on saturday night. hope had her sister's kids, too. let me tell you about an amazing woman!!! she has four kids of her own- 3 handsome boys, and one beautiful little girl- and then she has her sister's three kids over, plus two dogs, AND gary!!! ;) i don't know how she does it! it's always so nice to spend time with them. they always make me feel so welcome, and i just feel closer to jimi when i'm with his family. (so if any of you are reading this... i love you so much... thanks for everything!)

so as i was saying before... i was having a rough couple weeks (between visits to the miller's) but today was WONDERFUL kate and lindsay came rushing into the room this afternoon yelling, "IT'S LIKE CHRISTMAS!" because i had gotten six letters from jimi. it was so wonderful to read them. i can almost hear his voice as i read the words. and yes, i cried. his sweetness, kindness, and caring never cease to amaze me. he's such an incredible person... words could never express how special he is and how much he means to me. i always had this idea of what love was like, but this is so much better than i could ever imagine. i hope he gets home soon... i can't wait to... i don't know... i can't wait to do anything with him. i just want to be with him. i've never missed anything or anyone more in my entire life. until then, i will just have to pray and trust God for his safety.

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