Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Goodness of the Lord

Lately I’ve been struggling to believe that God will continue to give me good things in this life. Intellectually, I know the ridiculousness of this. God has given me many good things, and continues to do so daily. 

The issue is that there are some specific things that I really want— things that I believe to be good desires. I currently can’t see any indication that these things will happen and that’s where I’m getting tripped up. My focus is on myself, and this life, rather than on eternity. 

The truth is, in this life, there is uncertainty, pain, and disappointment. We can never be sure that we will get the specific things that we want— even if they are good, holy desires. But we can always see God’s goodness in every circumstance if we choose to see it. 

Today I’m asking God to give me a heart that sees the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, because even (and especially) when I’m not getting what I want when I want it, I know that God is working for my good (to make me more like him) and His glory (Romans 8:28).