on a much better note... after all the insanity at my grandfather's house, i went to see some really great friends from high school. as i sat on the couch between the two of them i was kind of surprised at how comfortable i still was with both of them. nothing has really changed... and i really needed that on thursday night. one comment nathan made was quite funny, and pretty much summed up my relationship with erik. he said, "nothing has changed between you two at all. he's still driving you crazy and you're still telling him to get away from you." haha... so true.
on friday mark came up from his grandparent's in state college. we made our annual trip to wal mart. haha... i don't think there's been a weekend that he's been up that we haven't gone to wal mart together. i finally got a dvd player for the apartment, cuz our vcr doesn't work anymore. i also got a portable cd player cuz i thought mine was broken. i found out last night, however, that it wasn't the cd player. it was the batteries. yes, ladies and gentlemen, i'm a moron. after the trip to wal mart we went to gallery of sound to get the new greenday cd (which, by the way... i LOVE!!!). i love that store. it's so much cheaper than the rest of them. instead of spending almost $19 for a cd i spent $12, and this makes me happy. after that shell and brandon came down to hang out with us. we watched tv, and i fell asleep. haha... sorry guys. it was good to see you while i was awake.
on saturday i had thanksgiving dinner wtih my parents, mark, and vanessa. it was soooo good. my mother is a wonderful cook. it's too bad i didn't inherit that gene. eh well... i can microwave things. later that night we went to see "A Christmas Story" at the BTE. it was cute. i think my father and i have seen the movie too many times to really appreciate it on stage. it was good though, and as always, a lot of fun. we went home after that and had pumpkin pie and went to bed. we were all rather exhausted from the happenenings earlier in the week.
then comes sunday... we all went to my church. i love my church at home. they're all so welcoming and loving. *sigh* i always feel good when i'm there. i think that's a great characteristic to have as a church. they're such wonderful people. after that, it was home for dinner and "christmas" with vanessa. she always gets the nicest presents for me. i'm so thankful for her... haha... and not just because she gets me nice gifts. then it was time to head back to good old lancaster. i'm so glad there's only 3 weeks left in the semester. i'm looking forward to being home for the holidays. hopefully christmas will be less eventful than thanksgiving...
on that note... i'm late for class... so i'm off... love to all...