Thursday, October 30, 2003

i don't know what it is, but lately i have had no desire to do anything remotely productive. i am so tired of school it's not even funny. we have 3 weeks before thanksgiving break and then a week of classes, and then finals week. that seems like so much. i feel like this semester is never going to end!
ma and pops are comin down to visit this weekend. we're goin over to check out the apartment on saturday. i really hope that works out, because as much as i'm tired of school, i'm even more tired of living in a dorm. (with those idiot people right, kate? ) it will be soooo nice to be able to take a bath, and not have to wear shoes to the bathroom, and make my own food, and sleep in a comfortable bed... *sigh* i can't wait!

Monday, October 20, 2003

ah, another week has come. oh goodie! i already can't wait until friday! i have a chemistry test on wednesday. haha... that sounds like no big deal, but believe me, it is. the other thing i'm stressed about is a 10 minute speech on an emily dickinson poem for my american lit. class. WHO WANTS TO HEAR ME TALK ABOUT AN EMILY DICKINSON POEM FOR 10 MINUTES?!? i have to give it next tuesday, and have yet to start working on it. (good thinkin, jess!) i have abslolutely no desire to do it. blah.
on a brighter note... JIMI'S OUTA THE ARMY ON FRIDAY!!!! =) i cannot believe this is actually happening. i've been waiting 2 years and 10 months for this day... and it's almost here! *sigh* i cannot wait to see that boy... he means so much to me. we're finally going to live in the same state!!! =) i don't even know what else to say... i just can't stop smiling! =)

Sunday, October 12, 2003

my friend, scott -formerly my youth pastor, was in bloomsburg this weekend for a wedding. a bunch of us from youth group went out this afternoon to a restaurant here in bloomsburg that we frequented throughout our youth group years. it was so nice to see everyone, and especially scott, since i never see him. his wife, kristen (aka "mama chicken" hehe) wasn't able to come. she had something going on with her job. so that was a bummer, but hopefully she'll be able to get up here soon... or maybe i'll head down there for a visit in the near future. i really love those two. despite the distance between us, they continue to be a huge encouragement to me. i feel so blessed to have them in my life.

Friday, October 10, 2003

all i really have to say is summed up in a linkin park song called "hit the floor"... so here it is... enjoy.

There are just too many times that people have tried to look inside of me
Wondering what I think of you well I protect you out of courtesy
Too many times that I've held on when I needed to push away
Afraid to say what was on my mind
Afraid to say what I need to say
Too many things that you've said about me when I'm not around
You think having the upper hand means you gotta keep putting me down
But I've had too many standoffs with you it's about as much as I could stand
So I wait till the upper hand is mine

One minute you're on top
The next you're not, watch it drop
Making your heart stop
Just before you hit the floor
One minute you're on top
The next you're not, missed your shot
Making your heart stop
You think you've won
And then it's all gone

So many people like me that put so much trust in all your lies
So concerned with what you think to just say what we feel inside
So many people like me walk on eggshells all day long
All I know is that all I want is to feel like I'm not stepped on
There are so many things you say that make me feel you cross the line
What goes up will surely fall, and I am counting down the time
Cause I've had so many standoffs with you it's about as much as I could stand
So I waiting until the upper hand is mine

One minute you're on top
The next you're not, watch it drop
Making your heart stop
Just before you hit the floor
One minute you're on top
The next you're not, missed your shot
Making your heart stop
You think you've won
And then it's all gone
And then it's all gone
And then it's all gone
And then it's all gone
Now it's all gone.
I know I'll never trust a single thing you say
You realize you divide us but you lied anyway
And all the lies have got you floating up above us all
But what goes up has got to fall...

One minute you're on top
The next you're not, watch it drop
Making your heart stop
Just before you hit the floor
One minute you're on top
The next you're not, missed your shot
Making your heart stop
You think you've won
And then it's all gone
And then it's all gone
And then it's all gone
And then it's all gone
Now it's all Gone.

Friday, October 03, 2003

so i just finished reading, "Nights in Rodanthe" by nicholas sparks. what a good book! yeah, it was a mushy love story. what can i say? i'm a nerd. =) he's a very talented author. when i read his books, i feel as though i'm hiding in the shadows, watching as the story plays out. *sigh* i love books. someday i'm going to get to edit them. (how cool would it be if i got to edit nicholas sparks' novels!!!) this particular story was about a couple who started a long distance relationship just after meeting each other. it reminded me a bit of jimi and i. maybe i should write a novel about us. hey, we already have a song! =) hehe
now, of course, i need to get a new book. anybody have any suggestions?